Mama & hair


With a 4 months old baby, hair is not an easy thing. Alva is now in the grab-everything-around-her-stage and if I don’t wear a top knot all day it’s sure she’ll tear out a handful and it’s oh so painful. Sounds familiar? I also need to have a hair that can be styled in a couple of minutes for this fall. It’s gonna be so hectic in the mornings with baby and school drop offs etc so I need it to be quick!

So I went to the hair dresser yesterday to get them cut. I asked for short and she almost did it right. I want even shorter. But as I didn’t have the time to do both cutting and coloring in between to feeds, I’ll return in two weeks and ask for more cutting. I want something super easy to style and I feel this is the cut that works for me. The longer hair pictured above is the color I want, a bronde tie and dye-ish. Pretty, right?

From tangled to free(er).


Il me faut une coupe courte pour cet automne, Alva fait que tirer sur mes cheveux et j’ai besoin de quelque chose qui se coiffe en quelques minutes. Je sors du salon de coiffure mais je retourne dans deux semaines pour couper encore plus court et faire une couleur.

Image source here & here

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